trend, tendency, propensity | îÀâÇîÌÈä ð |
tendentious, biased | îÀâÇîÌÈúÄé ú |
shield, defender | îÈâÅï æ (ø' îÈâÄðÌÄéí, îÈâÄðÌåÉú) |
the Shield of David | îÈâÅï-ãÌÈåÄã |
Israeli equivalent of the Red Cross | îÈâÅï-ãÌÈåÄã àÈãÉí |
dandified, coquettish | îÀâËðÀãÌÈø (îâåðãø) æå"ú |
indecent, improper | îÀâËðÌÆä (îâåðä) ú |
magnet | îÇâÀðÅè æ |
magnetic | îÇâÀðÅèÄé ú |
touch, contact | îÇâÌÈò æ |
to come into contact with... | ìÈáåÉà áÌÀîÇâÌÈò |
repugnant, disgusting | îÇâÀòÄéì ú |
high boot | îÇâÌÈó æ (ø' îÇâÌÈôÇéÄí) |
plague, epidemic | îÇâÌÅôÈä ð |
1. stimulus 2. itching, irritant |
îÀâÈøÆä úå"æ |
drawer, case | îÀâÅøÈä (îâéøä) ð |
defect, fault, shortcoming | îÄâÀøÇòÇú ð |
rake | îÇâÀøÅôÈä ð |
1. site, lot 2. field, playing field |
îÄâÀøÈùÑ æ |
football field | îÄâÀøÇùÑ-ëÌÇãÌåÌøÆâÆì |
1. exiled, driven out 2. divorced |
îÀâÉøÈùÑ (îâåøù) ú |
tray | îÇâÌÈùÑ æ |
clothes | îÇã æ |
uniform | îÇãÌÄéí |
meter, gauge, indicator | îÇã æ |
thermometer | îÇãÀçÉí |
light-meter | îÇã-àåÉø |
worried | îËãÀàÈâ (îåãàâ) ú |
worrisome | îÇãÀàÄéâ ú |
stuck, glued | îËãÀáÌÈ÷ (îåãá÷) ú |
1. sticky 2. contagious, infectious |
îÄãÌÇáÌÅ÷ ú |
infectious disease | îÇçÂìÈä îÄãÌÇáÌÆ÷Æú |
label, sticker | îÇãÀáÌÅ÷Èä ð |
desert | îÄãÀáÌÈø æ |
desert generation | ãÌåÉø-äÇîÌÄãÀáÌÈø |
oasis | ðÀåÅä-îÄãÀáÌÈø |
voice in wilderness | ÷åÉì ÷åÉøÅà áÌÇîÌÄãÀáÌÈø |
speaker | îÀãÇáÌÅø æ |
1. said, spoken 2. topic, subject of conversation |
îÀãËáÌÈø (îãåáø) úå"æ |
desert-like | îÄãÀáÌÈøÄé ú |
sample, specimen | îÄãÀâÌÈí æ |
exemplified, illustrated | îËãÀâÌÈí (îåãâí) ú |
incubator | îÇãÀâÌÅøÈä ð |
to measure, gauge | îÈãÇã ôò [î.ã.ã., òî' 259] {øàä âí: ðÄîÀãÌÇã, äÄúÀîåÉãÅã} |
measure, index | îÇãÌÈã æ |
price index | îÇãÌÇã-äÇîÌÀçÄéøÄéí |
1. measure, measurement 2. size, extend, degree 3. characteristic, quality |
îÄãÌÈä (îéãä) ð |
unit of length | îÄãÌÇú-àÉøÆêÀ |
measure for measure | îÄãÌÈä ëÌÀðÆâÆã îÄãÌÈä |
to the extent that... | áÌÀîÄãÌÈä ùÑÆ- |
criterion, scale, measuring-rod | ÷ÀðÅä-îÄãÌÈä |
ethics, morality | úÌåÉøÇú-äÇîÌÄãÌåÉú |
mortar | îÀãåÉëÈä ð |
to think something over | ìÈùÑÆáÆú òÇì äÇîÌÀãåÉëÈä |
why? | îÇãÌåÌòÇ? |
compartment, section | îÈãåÉø æ |
the seven rings of hell | ùÑÄáÀòÈä îÀãåÉøÅé âÌÅéäÄðÌÉí |
bonfire, pyre | îÀãåÌøÈä ð |
protractor | îÇãÀæÈåÄéú æ |