special, particular, specific ξΐιΛηΘγ (ξιεηγ) ϊ
one of a kind ξΐιΛηΘγ αΜΐξΔιπεΙ
especially αΜΔξΐιΛηΘγ
singularity, uniqueness ξΐιΛηΘγεΜϊ (ξιεηγεϊ) π
of good family, privileged ξΐιΛηΘρ (ξιεηρ) ϊ
the very best ξΕιθΘα ζ
To the best of my ability. μΐτΔι ξΕιθΗα ιΐλΘμΐϊΜΔι.
so be it ξΕιμΘΰ
anyway, in any case ξΔξΜΕιμΘΰ
obstetrician, gynecologist ξΐιΗμΜΕγ (ξιιμγ) ζ
midwife ξΐιΗμΜΖγΖϊ π
circumcision ξΔιμΘδ π
briss - circumcision ceremony αΜΐψΔιϊ-ξΔιμΘδ
water ξΗιΔν ζ"ψ
I'm up to here with it. αΜΘΰεΜ ξΗιΔν ςΗγ-πΘτΖωΡ.
peaceful, smooth waters ξΕι-ξΐπεΜηεΙϊ
silent ("his mouth is full of water") ξΔμΜΕΰ τΜΔιε ξΗιΔν
water-flask, water-bottle ξΕιξΔιΜΘδ (ξιξιιδ) π
hydrogen ξΕιξΘο ζ
hydrogen bomb τΜΔφΐφΗϊ-ξΕιξΘο
skilled, adroit ξΐιΛξΜΘο (ξιεξο) ϊ
skill, dexterity ξΐιΛξΜΘπεΜϊ (ξιεξπεϊ) π
1. gender, sex
2. kind, sort
3. grammatical gender
ξΔιο ζ
the human species δΗξΜΔιο δΘΰΑπεΙωΡΔι
the stronger sex δΗξΜΔιο δΖηΘζΘχ
the weaker sex δΗξΜΔιο δΗηΗμΜΘωΡ
the four species (citron, palm branch, myrtle and willow) ΰΗψΐαΜΗςΗϊ δΗξΜΔιπΔιν
sexual relations ιΗηΒρΕι-ξΔιο
sexual desire, passion ιΕφΖψ-δΗξΜΔιο
What kind of business is this? ΰΕιζΖδ ξΔιο γΜΘαΘψ ζΖδ?
to sort, classify ξΔιΜΕο (ξιιο) τι [ξ.ι.ο., ςξ' 266]
was sorted, classified ξΛιΜΗο (ξειο) τε [ξ.ι.ο., ςξ' 266]
sexual ξΔιπΔι ϊ
1. nursing mother
2. wet-nurse
ξΕιπΔιχΘδ, ξΕιπΖχΖϊ π
founder ξΐιΗρΜΕγ (ξιιργ) ζ
founded, established ξΐιΛρΜΘγ (ξιεργ) ϊ
religious mission ξΔιρΐιεΙο ζ
designated, intended, aimed ξΐιΙςΘγ (ξιεςγ) ϊ
afforested ξΐιΙςΘψ (ξιεςψ) ϊ
1. beautified, embellished
2. authorized, empowered
ξΐιΛτΜΖδ (ξιετδ) ϊ
juice ξΔιυ ζ
orange juice ξΔιυ-ϊΜΗτΜεΜζΔιν
represented ξΐιΛφΜΘβ (ξιεφβ) ϊ
manufactured, produced ξΐιΛφΜΘψ (ξιεφψ) ϊ
mica ξΔιχΘδ π
1. plane, surface
2. plateau
ξΔιωΡεΙψ ζ
flat, level ξΔιωΡεΙψΔι ϊ
plane geometry δΗπΐγΜΘρΘδ ξΔιωΡεΙψΔιϊ
outmoded, archaic ξΐιΛωΜΡΘο (ξιεωο) ϊ
1. planer
2. rectifier of electricity
ξΐιΗωΜΡΕψ (ξιιωψ) ζ
straight, aligned ξΐιΛωΜΡΘψ (ξιεωψ) ϊ
death ξΔιϊΘδ π
kiss of death ξΔιϊΗϊ-πΐωΡΔιχΘδ
myth ξΔιϊεΙρ ζ
superfluous, redundant ξΐιΛϊΜΘψ (ξιεϊψ) ϊ
string, chord ξΕιϊΘψ ζ
vocal chords ξΕιϊΐψΕι-χεΙμ
stringed instruments λΜΐμΕι-ξΕιϊΘψΔιν
painful, distressing ξΗλΐΰΔια ϊ
from here, hence ξΔλΜΘΰο
from now on ξΔλΜΘΰο εΐΰΕιμΘκΐ
respected, honored ξΐλΛαΜΘγ (ξλεαγ) ϊ