to crease, wrinkle | ������ (����) �� [�.�.�., ��' 489] |
to wrinkle one's brow | �������� ��� �������� |
was creased, wrinkled | ������ (����) �� [�.�.�., ��' 489] {��� ��: ����������} |
fold, crease, wrinkle | ����� � |
withering | �������� � |
campus | ��������� � |
handful, small quantity | ����� (����) � |
to scrimp, be thrifty | ������ (����) �� [�.�.�., ��' 489] {��� ��: ����������} |
miser | ������� � |
miserliness | ���������� � |
nest | ��� � (�' �������) |
to be jealous, envy | ������ �� [�.�.�., ��' 490] |
1. jealousy 2. extremism |
������� � |
extremism, fanaticism | ��������� � |
extremist | ������� ��"� |
1. jealous 2. extreme, fanatical |
�������� � |
to buy, purchase | ����� �� [�.�.�.\�.�.�., ��' 491] {��� ��: �������, �������, �������} |
1. stem 2. reed 3. barrel of a rifle 4. windpipe, trachea |
����� � |
criterion, measure | �����-������ |
It doesn't come together with/fall in line with... | ������ ������ �������� ����� ���... |
cleaning, wiping | �������� (�����) � |
dessert | �������� ����������� |
bought, acquired | ������ � |
conspiracy, plot | ���������� (�������) � |
canteen | ���������� � |
buying, acquisition | �������� (�����) � |
sales tax | ���-�������� |
property, ownership | ������� (�����) � |
fine, penalty | ����� � |
to fine, impose a penalty | ����� �� [�.�.�., ��' 492] {��� ��: �������} |
jar, jug, pot | ������� � |
helmet | �������� � |
charmed, spellbound | ������ � |
magic, sorcery, charm | ����� � |
to charm, bewitch, enchant | ����� �� [�.�.�., ��' 492] {��� ��: ��������, �������} |
concave | ������ � |
concavity | ������ (�����) � |
tattoo | ������� � |
tattoo | ��������-������� |
1. to tattoo 2. to destroy, undermine |
�������� �� [�.�.�.�., ��' 493] |
1. was tattooed 2. was destroyed, undermined |
������� (�����) �� �.�.�.�., ��' 493] |
dish, bowl | ������� � |