now, at present òÇúÌÈä
just now æÆä òÇúÌÈä
reserve, reserves òÂúåÌãÈä ð
university students with army call-up deferred òÂúåÌãÈä àÂ÷ÈãÆîÈàÄéú
timing òÄúÌåÌé (òéúåé) æ
newspaper òÄúÌåÉï (òéúåï) æ
journalism òÄúÌåÉðÈàåÌú (òéúåðàåú) ð
journalist òÄúÌåÉðÇàé (òéúåðàé) æ
future òÈúÄéã æ
future tense æÀîÇï òÈúÄéã
for the future ìÆòÈúÄéã ìÈáåÉà
ancient òÇúÌÄé÷ ú
old, venerable òÇúÌÄé÷-éåÉîÄéï
the ancient world äÈòåÉìÈí äÈòÇúÌÄé÷
antiquities òÇúÌÄé÷åÉú ð"ø
archeological museum áÌÅéú-òÇúÌÄé÷åÉú
rich, wealthy òÇúÌÄéø ú
rich in knowledge òÇúÌÄéø-éÆãÇò, òÇúÌÄéø-îÇãÌÈò
a man of wealth, property òÇúÌÄéø-ðÀëÈñÄéí
plea, supplication òÂúÄéøÈä ð
copy òÉúÆ÷ (òåú÷) æ
switchman òÇúÌÈ÷ æ
abundant, huge òÈúÅ÷ ú
huge amount of money äåÉï òÈúÅ÷