to speak to one another ىہنؤمجبلإّ ٍؤي..., ٍاى... ًô 47
to talk, speak ىہمالجإّ àئْ..., ٍاى..., ٍؤي..., àئى... ôé 70
was said, spoken مجثلجاّ ٍاى... ôه 87
raprochement, communication نؤمجالجہّهجْ, نؤمجبلہّهجْ ً
1. word
2. object, thing
3. matter
مجبلبّ و
speech, utterance مجؤلجهجّ و
freedom of speech çةôئùر-نامجؤلجهجّ و
said, uttered مجبلهجّ ْ
1. saying, speech
2. expression
3. commandment
مجؤلجإّ و
1. orator
2. chatterbox, windbag
مجالجہّبï و
1. speaker
2. spokesman
مجهةلإّ و
1. spoken of…
2. spoken, speaking
îہمثلجبّ ْ